Wednesday 29 April 2020


Mr Trump Does not Realize the Weight of the Coronavirus Crisis in the USA  

According to the New York Times, President Trump suggested that scientists test whether disinfectants, such a bleach, could be injected inside the human body to fight against the coronavirus.  He also claims according to Reuters, that China does not want him to be reelected.  He also contradicted the World Helth Organisation on the coronavirus death rate in the United States (WHO insists there are 3.5% while the President calls it a false number and declares it is only 1%  and that he could handle it in a weeks time !)   What a ludicrous and ridiculous man have our American friends chosen as their president.   

Lack of Testing for the Coronavirus in the USA

For months, the lack of testing for the coronavirus in the USA has allowed, ironically, a small glimpse of hope:  the official number of the COVID-19 cases is currently, 957.829 is almost certainly too low. 

If people who want to get tested, can’t get tested, and if people who are asymptomatic never think to get tested, then it stands to reason that many more Americans must be immune to COVID-19.  The only way to find the true number is by looking for immunity, which is regularly testing for proteins in the blood which show evidence of past infections.  Such antibody tests have been considered as a key to reopening the country: other countries have even proposed using the “immunity certificates” that would allow the immune to return to work.

Results from the first studies designed to determine how widely the coronavirus has spread, show some critical indications of when to lift movement restrictions. 

Already, experts are raising concerns about the validity of some of the studies, cautioning officials and the general public not to put too much weight on the findings, known as “serological surveys”.  The studies involve testing the blood of asymptomatic people, not diagnosed with COVID-19 to determine whether they had previously been infected with SARS-CoV -2 virus.  They are important because they can fill up the picture of how many people, in any community, may have been infected by COVID -19, even if they were unaware that they were infected.  

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